10 Harmful Bugs to Avoid at all Costs!
10 Harmful Bugs to Avoid at all Costs!
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10 Harmful Bugs to Avoid at all Costs!
Bugs. They’re out there…almost everywhere.
And while we tend to avoid them for the creeps they give us, there are some bugs that are a little more dangerous than the most feared animals in the wild. So, if you thought that little bugs the size of a paper clip were harmless, wait till they bite or sting you –and hope that you’ll survive to tell of the experience.
Hello, and welcome to another episode of 100M where we’ll look at 10 harmful bugs to avoid at all costs!
#10. Puss Caterpillar
Watch out for this bizarre-looking caterpillar with a “pussy cat” like appearance – or is it Donald Trump’s comb-over?
No matter, this strange-looking caterpillar is irresistibly touchable, but don’t be taken in by its soft, long, and wavy hair. Underneath that “toupee” is an unpleasant surprise: tiny, sharp spines that pack an extremely potent toxin.
You won’t see the spines hidden under the furry coat but they are there. They are connected to venom glands whose poison is said to be extremely excruciating – creating the sensation of burning fire under your skin. The sting itself is extremely unpleasant. Many have said that it feels like little hypodermic needles being injected all the way to the bone!
Worse of all, the pain doesn’t localize around the sting area. Instead, if you are stung on the finger, for instance, you’ll feel the pain radiating up the arm. And, the swelling can go all the way up to your armpits.
Now imagine that much intense pain lasting up to 24 hours – because that’s exactly how long it will be. Yikes!
#9. Black Widow
Everyone knows not to mess with the plump black spider that has a distinctive crimson-red hourglass-shaped marking on its underside.
So, shall we move on to the next bug on the list?
Number 8…
Wait. What was that?
Uh okay, so you want to know more about the eight-legged roly-poly!
The black-widow got its name from the arachnid’s bizarre violent courtship ritual which ends with the male being killed and eaten immediately after he has – well, you know—mated. Consequently, the female remains “widowed.”
Now, if the black widow can kill and cannibalize her boyfriend, imagine what it’ll do to you! And to think that they are one of the most poisonous spiders on earth! They are reported to pack venom that’s 15 times more potent than that of a rattlesnake.
The black widow’s bite isn’t fatal to adult humans. But it could cause some serious damage, including paralysis and difficulty in breathing. In small children, however, the bite is almost guaranteed to be fatal.
So, whatever you do, look out for that unmistakable red hourglass.
– courtship
#8. Killer Bee
Whether you call them killer bees or Africanized bees, these are not the kind of bugs you want to take your chances with. They are a hybridization of European honeybee species with another honeybee species imported from Africa that accidentally escaped quarantine and started breeding and spreading throughout much of the world since 1957.
What makes killer bees more feared than the native honey bee species is their aggression when a threat is perceived. And boy, when they attack, their damage can be devastating.
They will chase you for up to a quarter a mile and although they do not sting with the intent to kill – really, they’re just delivering a warning – victims have often succumbed if attacked by larger swarms.
1000 people have died by the sting of the killer bee. Most of the victims were pronounced dead at the scene and all were examined to have been stung 10 times more than what European honeybee sting victims experienced.
You are right to fear that loud buzz coming from a huge cloud of killer bees.
#7. Asian Giant Hornet
Their orange and black, bulky bodies are unmistakable. They are fearless and very aggressive monster bugs packing large mandibles and a massive, quarter-inch long stinger in its arsenal –one that could puncture a bee keeper’s suit.
The sting of a Giant Hornet has been likened to being pierced by a hot metal driven into the skin. And combined with the venom they inject, it’s an excruciating dose you don’t want to experience.
Their venom is reckoned to be quite potent – although not fatal. Repeat stinging from a group of hornets, however, could produce deadly results within a short time.
They have earned the nickname, “Murder Hornets”, but not for killing humans. Only about 50 human fatalities are recorded against the hornet’s name each year. But when it comes to honeybees, Giant Hornets kill them by the thousands.