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Despite my highly ambivalent feelings about the context and execution of Hito Steyerl’s new work, one concept the Serpentine gallery show foregrounds has stuck with me. He was a quiet man who never complained about anything and was happiest around his family – including four children, 11 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. David Warnock was a keen sportsman who loved squash, tennis, rugby, football, cycling and climbing munros. He was 17 and she was 14 – they were married for 62 years. Because new Studebaker designer Brooks Stevens was occupied with updating higher-volume models, president Sherwood H. Egbert had turned to longtime designer Loewy Associates for the exotic sporty car he felt would rejuvenate Studebaker’s sagging image when it bowed in 1962 — a swoopy four-seat coupe of the sort Loewy had been designing for years.